Dana and Gingerla “Gin” Perkins - Lead Evangelist and Woman's Ministry Leader, Tacoma Ministry Leaders
Dana and Gingerla “Gin” Perkins serve the South Sound Church of Christ as Lead Evangelist and Women’s ministry leader. Dana and Gin met as students at Grambling State University in Louisiana and were married in 1986 shortly after graduating.
They were both converted in Washington D.C.1991 and moved to Philadelphia, PA in 1994 after being called to serve in the full time ministry (Greater Philadelphia Church of Christ). Since then the Perkins have served in various churches (ICOC) including Hampton Roads, VA, Ft. Wayne, IN and Boise, ID.
Dana is a spirited preacher with a love for the Word of God! He has served as a delegate for the NW Regional Family of Churches and is currently on the Board of Directors for HOPE worldwide inc. He has been coaching Track & Field since 2002 and is currently an assistant coach at Curtis High School where he specializes in hurdles. In addition he enjoys watching movies and sports in his free time.
Gingerla or “Gin” as she is affectionately known, is passionate about studying the Bible and mentoring young women in the church. As a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, she is involved in various community service projects in the community. In her spare time she enjoys prayer walks, hiking and spending time with her grandchildren.
The Perkins arrived in Tacoma in 2010. They have 4 adult children, Dana Martine, Kenneth “K-Sam” (Brittany), Kyron and Kira. They are the very proud grandparents of 7 boys and 3 girls.
Landon and Gina Rawson - Kitsap Region Ministry Leaders
Landon and Gina Rawson serve the South Sound Church of Christ as Evangelist and Women’s ministry leader for the Kitsap Region. Landon and Gina met through campus ministry while Landon was study Engineering at University of Washington; Gina studying Social Work at Eastern Washington University.
They were both baptized in Washington State in 2004, married in 2008 and moved to Bellingham, WA to start a house church (the North Sound Church of Christ). The Rawson’s then moved to be in the full time ministry in Copenhagen, Denmark. Five years later, they moved to the Kitsap Peninsula.
Landon is passionate about serving others. Not only does he study the Bible with other men and mentor the youth in the church, you will often see him helping someone with a house project, vehicle or feeding the homeless. He serves on the board of the Baltic Nordic Mission Alliance, which helps support missionaries in the Baltic and Nordic churches. In his spare time, he enjoys riding motorcycles.
Gina also enjoys being able to serve others. She spends her time in bible studies and running many of the “behind the scenes” aspects of the church. In her spare time she enjoys hiking, pottery and swimming.
The Rawson’s have two kids, Nora and Emmett.
Daniel and Natya Garcia - Youth and Family
Walter and Melody Channell - Elders
Bob and Thelma Hainline - Elders
Daryl and Ruby Wallace - Elders
There is one true God who reveals himself to the world as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19, John 16:8-13).
Jesus, the Son of God, is our one and only Lord and Messiah. He was crucified, died, and rose from the dead after three days. In this, he conquered death, provided hope in New Creation, and offered forgiveness of sins to humanity. (John 14:6, Acts 2:22-24, 2 Peter 3:13)
The Bible is the written message of God and is inspired by the Holy Spirit.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21)
A person is saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus. (Ephesians 2:1-10, Romans 3:23-25). Each individual must reach out to receive this free gift of salvation through faith. This faith is manifest in things such as repentance, baptism, and ongoing faithful living. (James 2:14-26, Luke 14:25-33, Acts 2:36-41).
The greatest command in the Bible is, as Jesus stated, to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and to love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-39) All expressions of a faithful life should be contextualized in this perspective.