March 14, 2020
Beloved Brothers and Sisters:
In Acts 8 we read:
On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. 2 Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. 3 But Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and put them in prison. 4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. 5 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. 6 When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. 7 For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. 8 So there was great joy in that city.
This persecution was a great threat to the church in Jerusalem that certainly caused fear and uncertainty about the future of these disciples. Many were scattered and no longer able to meet together in the common fellowship that they had become accustomed to. It would appear that the church was destroyed... BUT... the Bible says, that “those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went” and “there was great joy in that city!”
While the COVID-19 threatens us differently, the challenge to the courage, faith and compassion of disciples today is real. None-the-less, in the same way that the persecution lead those Christians who were scattered to share their faith wherever they went, this is an opportunity for us to live by the faith we profess.
I believe that believers today have a unique opportunity to demonstrate faithful living to our neighbors and in our communities all over the South Sound Region.
Perhaps there are friends or neighbors that need help? Maybe you can reach out
to them and offer assistance.
Are there needs in your community that you, your family or small group can meet?
What a blessing that would be.
Are there ways you can serve people at this time, using your God given talents and
skills? Offer them up.
Let’s commit ourselves to using this time to express God’s love to the people around us. Even now, as we share our faith, not just with our words, but with our actions as well, the church can be a source of great joy in the South Sound.
In this time of uncertainty for so many, let us be determined to draw our strength from personal times in the word of God, prayer and from one another now more than ever before.
After much prayer and careful consideration we have decided to suspend all typical meetings of the South Sound Church of Christ until 4/26/2020 in keeping with the States directive for public schools. It is our desire to do our part along with other businesses, government agencies and faith organizations in the area to mitigate the risks that this virus potentially presents.
While we are suspending our meetings we would also ask that you use discretion if you choose to meet in each others homes or at a local coffee shop for fellowship. There is no reason we have to forfeit discipling times nor should we omit reaching out to one another for help and spiritual council, however, consider using the tools technology affords us today. It is undoubtedly important to practice safe social distancing and yet we do not want to practice or encourage fear and isolation. During this time consider staying connected with one another via more frequent phone calls, text messaging, and FaceTime calls etc.
With the rapid pace at which things are changing, along with our inability to physically meet together, it may be difficult to know the real time and indirect affects the virus is having on our brothers and sisters. For example, there may be brothers and sisters in your Bible Talk that are in need of basic items that have become harder to find in local markets. Certainly as the days and weeks roll on the needs will become more clear. Let’s look out for one another where we can.
We will be using our Facebook page, website ( and Emails to communicate announcements and other important information during this time. We are currently working to make devotionals and communion messages available to inspire and encourage you to continue to draw nearer to God as we face this time of uncertainty together. Tune in to our Facebook Page or website Sunday morning for a communion message for the family.
Please know that we are still here for you. The Evangelists, Women’s Ministry Leaders, Elders and their wives are all here should you need us. Please feel free to call, text, or email. We are still praying and working together to make sure that we all come through this stronger and more faithful than ever.
We look forward to hearing the stories of how Our Mighty God is using us in this most unlikely time to impact our communities in unimaginable ways.
Grace and Peace,
Dana Perkins and South Sound Church of Christ Staff
March 11, 2020
Preparing for further Social Restrictions & Social Distancing
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
In light of the current restrictions the State of Washington has placed on public gatherings and the concern for the spread of the COVID -19 virus, we, the leadership team of the South Sound Church of Christ, want to be prepared in the event that we are unable to meet together safely in our traditional settings.
Note: Currently those who are vulnerable, those over 60 years of age and those with underlying health issues are already being encouraged not to attend large public gatherings and to practice safe social distancing. See the statement from the most recent statement from the Washington State Department of Health Website for more complete information.
The statewide restriction is currently in place throughout Washington for gatherings of 250 or more. During the length of this restriction we will not be meeting all together for SSCOC Congregational Services. At this time we are currently able to meet together in Regional settings (Tacoma, Puyallup & Kitsap) We currently have pre-packaged communion cups and gloves for distribution of communion. We are asking that you practice appropriate hand washing etc. If there should be a need for closures regionally, we will prepare to deliver communion lessons online that can be made available for viewing in your home or by Housechurch gatherings.
Contribution: On the occasion we are unable to give our contribution in person, you are highly encouraged to give on-line by going to and clicking the “GIVE” tab. We will continue to communicate information as warranted.
Thank you all for your continued prayer and patience as we work to support one another and keep each other safe during this challenging time.
Current Plan for the Weekend of 3/21-22 Additionally, as a result of the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus Steve Staten has decided to cancel travel for the last half of March. Also, to keep our numbers down, we have decided to meet by regions on March 22nd rather than the large congregational meeting we had scheduled. Steve is preparing a video presentation of the Consultation Report that we will present at all 3 Regional services that Sunday. Regarding the Small Group Leaders meeting scheduled for Saturday, March 21st, we are planning a virtual call with Steve Staten. Please keep the date marked on your calendar and be on the look out for more information.
We are all very grateful to each of you for your leadership during this time of uncertainty. We ask for your continued prayers and patience as we trust our Mighty God to guide us all through this difficult time.
In love,
South Sound Church of Christ Staff
COVID-19 Update: March 10, 2020
Dear SSCOC Family,
As we wrote last week, we intend to keep a dialogue with you about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Much of what we are seeing in the media or social media could cause us to panic and we would much rather face the facts with faith! We saw what the North Sound Church of Christ posted and some points we liked:
“Remember that God is in control. As believers, more than any others, we ought to be examples of confidence. Our God will not abandon us; we need not despair. Rather, we should pray, casting all our anxiety on Him, because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).”
“Stay connected. The Scriptures teach us not to give up meeting together but to encourage one another daily (Hebrews 10:25). We can obey this command and stay safe with a little ingenuity. If you must stay home due to illness or a weakened immune system, that's understandable. Only make sure to communicate regularly with your small group!”
Here is what we know as of late:
The CDC has recommended those of higher risk to:
Stay at home as much as possible.
Make sure you have access to several weeks of medications and supplies in case you need to stay home for prolonged periods of time.
When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, limit close contact and wash your hands often.
Avoid crowds.
Stay up to date on CDC Travel Health Notices.
(Those who are higher risk are those who are: Older adults (60+) and people who have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease seem to be at higher risk for more serious COVID-19 illness. Early data suggest older people are twice as likely to have serious COVID-19 illness.)
What's the current risk? (Taken directly from the Washington State Department of Health)
The risk posed by a virus outbreak depends on factors including how well it spreads between people, the severity of the illness it causes, and the medical or other measures we have to control the impact of the virus (for example, vaccine or treatment medications). The potential public health threat posed by COVID-19 is very high, both to the United States and globally.
The risk of exposure is increasing for people who live in Washington state.
Healthcare workers caring for patients with COVID-19 are at elevated risk of exposure.
Those who have had close contact with persons with COVID-19 are at elevated risk of exposure.
Travelers returning from affected international locations where community spread is occurring are at elevated risk of exposure.
More info and statistics here.
How can I prevent the spread of COVID-19?
Symptoms of COVID-19 primarily include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. These symptoms appear 2 to 14 days after exposure.
COVID-19 spreads between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) via coughs or sneezes. It may also spread by touching a surface or object with the virus on it.
People are thought to be most contagious when they are the sickest, though some spread is possible before people show symptoms.
Prevention starts with practicing good personal health habits: stay home when you’re sick, cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, wash your hands often with soap and water, and clean frequently touched surfaces and objects.
Getting plenty of rest, drinking fluids, eating healthy foods, and managing your stress may help you prevent getting COVID-19 and recover from it if you do.
We understand that the above may not answer every question you may have. However, we are confident that between the or sites you’ll likely find the most important information you’ll need at this point.
It is difficult to know what will happen next, but keeping up to date on accurate, fact-based information from professional medical sources is key. COVID-19 may disappear relatively quickly, but it’s more likely that it will continue to spread. We have to be ready to adjust to whatever comes.
As disciples, we have a culture that puts sacrifice above self, and that has allowed us to do some amazing things for God. Part of that is a tendency to come to church to support others, even when you’re a bit sick. Please don’t! Coming to church sick means you’re potentially spreading germs and viruses that could infect our brothers and sisters. In general it is detrimental for someone who is not feeling well to come to church and infect their family, and even more so with COVID-19. So, if you’re not feeling well, let someone in your small group know and stay home! You do not want to be the one who introduces COVID-19 to the body of believers.
As always, thank you for what you do every day and who you are in Christ. We are proud to serve God along side of you all, and grateful for how we will support each other through other challenges like this. And if you are able to come to church and see a few faces missing, reach out to stay connected! And if you’re not able to come, reach out to stay connected!
As for what’s next, our staff will continue to be up-to-date on the latest recommendations from our local health department to answer any potential questions or issues especially with how we will stay connected as a body. We will continue to hand out individually packaged communion cups. Please keep bringing your sanitizer with you to meetings, they are hard to come by these days. We know, at this point, that the Washington State History Museum is disinfecting the public areas of the museum 3 time a day and focusing on entry point, galleries and gathering spaces. They are still open to public and private events but have canceled alls school field trips for the month of March. We don’t have any current info on the other facilities but just treat it like any other public building you visit and wash, wash, wash your hands!
If you still have further questions for us as a staff, please contact your region leader.
In love,
The South Sound Church of Christ Staff